worlds largest
Carbon Footprint Search Engine
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Carbon Radar is a service maintained by Green Carbon Finland Oy that brings consumers and manufacturers together. We offer companies a solution to demonstrate the transparency and responsibility of their products' carbon footprint. Calculating the carbon footprint and transparency of data gives the company a lot of competitive advantage:
Carbon Radar is the world's largest database of carbon footprints, with emissions data for more than 5,000,000 products and is constantly growing.
Carbon footprint management is part of responsibility. As a result of climate change, the purchasing behavior of customers and consumers has changed. The growing desire of consumers to make ecological choices has increased the need for public carbon footprint data to support purchasing decisions. We want more value for money. To meet the changing needs of customers, companies need to demonstrate their environmental responsibility and find ways to help their customers operate more sustainably. Transparency of information conveys the image of a company that it cares about environmental responsibility. This improves the corporate image as consumer behavior becomes more value-based.
Adding carbon footprint data to the Carbon Radar database is easy. Product information as well as information on the carbon footprint of products can be sent to us as is currently available to you. If necessary, we process and enrich the data to ensure database consistency. However, we do not modify or misuse the information. The delivery of the data does not cost the company anything and does not oblige the company to do anything. We will notify you when the information has been transferred to our database.